Thursday, November 8, 2007

Howto: Get iTune Album Cover For Without iTune Store Account

You need to have an account if you would like to get album artwork from iTune Store. To register need a credit card information. It's didn't make sense for me to register because I can't buy music from iTune Store since they doesn't have present here in Asia. One more thing not everybody got credit card.

My friend always ask me how do I get all the artwork for the album in my iTune. Do I Google it one by one??? Naaaaahh..... I'm not that crazy.... Here my secret,
  1. Export song list as plain text from iTunes:
    File > Export... then select 'Save as type: Plain Text files'
  2. Upload song list at
  3. will return album covers and track listings for your iTunes mucic collection!
  4. Drag and drop the album covers onto the image box in iTunes (how to do this).
Anyway thank to the guy who develop the site. You save a lot of my time ;)

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