Tuesday, May 13, 2008

OSX Safari: Safari 3 Always Show Tab Bar (Leopard)

Like I’m stated, I just upgrade my Macbook hard disk. I’m installed and updated everything from beginning. While reconfiguring my environment, I realized option "Always show the tab bar" from Safari has gone. In Safari 3's preferences, the option removed, but the inherent functionality is still available. (If you enabled it in Safari 2, it will be enabled by default in Safari 3)

I like the tab bar always there because, just need a double click on the bar and new tab will open. So I don’t need to go through long way for new tab open by clicking “File“ menu and “New Tab“.
  1. Ensure you close the Safari.
  2. Open Property List Editor (/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Property List Editor) Don’t border to search for it if you don’t install developer tools.
  3. Open the Safari plist file (~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari.plist).
  4. Click the triangle to open the Root list, then click once on Root to highlight it.
  5. Click the "New Sibling" button.
  6. Change the name (New item) to "AlwaysShowTabBar", set the Class to Boolean, and set Value to "Yes".
  7. Save changes and quit Property List Editor.
  8. Then open the Safari. TARAAA!


Anonymous said...

Alternatively, you can just go "View > Show Tab Bar" in a window that contains no tabs. No need to mess around with plists.

Fahmie Salleh said...

"anonymous said...
Alternatively, you can just go "View > Show Tab Bar" in a window that contains no tabs. No need to mess around with plists."

You might don't want to do that every time you open up a Safari!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the alternative solution.